Website Redirect Checker |301 & 302 Redirection Checker

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Website Redirect Checker |301 & 302 Redirection Checker

URL Redirection Checker

What is Website Redirection Checker?

Website Redirect Checker is like a detective for URLs. It follows the path of the web address, showing us what happens along the way. You know when you type a website into your browser and it takes you somewhere else? It is a redirection. It is like being redirected from one road to another.

What is Website Redirection?

Redirection happens for various reasons. Sometimes it’s because websites want to send you to a new page, or maybe they’ve changed their name and want you to find them under their new page. When your favorite store moves to a new location, it puts up signs to help you find it.

There are several types of redirection:

301 Redirect:

This is like a permanent change of address. It tells your browser, “Hey, this old site is closed, go to the new site instead.” It is useful for keeping things organized on the internet.

302 Redirect:

Think of this as a temporary detour. He says, “The old place is still here, but for now, let’s check out this other place.” It’s handy when a website is under construction or undergoing a makeover.

302 Redirect Status:

When a website uses a 302 redirect, it’s like a temporary detour sign on the Internet highway. It tells your browser, “Hey, this page has moved, but for now.” Unlike a permanent move (301 redirects), a 302 doesn’t pass the full ‘link juice’ to the new page, so search engines don’t value it as much. It is like putting up a temporary roadblock that will eventually be removed.

307 temporary redirect:

Imagine that your favorite website is under construction, and some pages need to be moved temporarily. That’s where the 307 status code comes in. It’s like saying, “Hey, we’re moving these pages for a while, but they’ll be back soon.” This code is useful during server maintenance or when there is a temporary change in where some content is located. It’s like the “pardon our dust” sign on the internet.

Meta Refresh:

This is like a sign on a webpage that says, “Wait, we’re taking you somewhere else.” This is a way to redirect you without changing the actual web address.

So, this redirection helps the internet to run smoothly. They ensure that we get where we want to go, even if the path changes.

How do I fix too many redirects?

If your website uses WordPress or a similar platform, you can fix this using something called an “.htaccess” file. It is like a set of instructions for your website’s server. Here’s how:

RewriteEngine On
RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} !^www\.
RewriteRule ^(.*)$ https://www.%{HTTP_HOST}%{REQUEST_URI} [L,R=301]
RewriteCond %{HTTPS} off
RewriteRule ^(.*)$ https://%{HTTP_HOST}%{REQUEST_URI} [L,R=301]

If you want all versions to lead to “https://” (without the “www”), you can use these instructions:

RewriteEngine On
# Redirect URLs with "www" to "https://" without "www"
RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^(www\.)(.*) [NC]
RewriteRule (.*) https://%2%{REQUEST_URI} [L,R=301]
# Redirect non-HTTPS URLs to HTTPS (without "www")
RewriteCond %{HTTPS} off
RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} !^(www\.)(.*) [NC]
RewriteRule (.*) https://%{HTTP_HOST}%{REQUEST_URI} [L,R=301]

These instructions ensure that all versions of your URL redirect to the final URL in just one step.

Why would you want to check redirects?

Ever wondered why it’s important to check where a link takes you before clicking? Let’s break it down:

Avoid bad stuff:

Imagine clicking a link thinking you’re going to a safe website, but ending up on a sketchy website trying to infect your computer with a virus. Hey! Checking where the link redirects can help you stay away from dangerous websites that can harm your device.

Discovering redirect loops:

Have you ever been stuck in a loop where you click on a link and it takes you to another page, which then sends you back to the first? It’s like getting caught in a never-ending merry-go-round! Checking the redirects helps detect these loops so you don’t get stuck.

Validating redirects:

When people build websites, they sometimes need to make sure that when you click on a link, it takes you where it’s supposed to. is But sometimes, the links get mixed up and send you to the wrong place. Redirect checking helps catch these errors.

Removing intermediate redirects:

Imagine that every time you click on a link, it sends you through a bunch of other pages before you finally get to the right link. It will take forever! By ensuring that links go straight to where you want to go, without all the extra stops, you can browse the web faster and easier.

User tracking:

Sometimes, when you click on a link, it doesn’t take you directly to where you want to go. It may go through a bunch of other pages first. Each stop along the way can track what you’re doing, such as which sites you visit or what you buy online. This is often used by companies to see if their ads are working or to give credit to websites that send them customers.


Redirect Checker Simplified:

Understand where your website is sending visitors easily. See the path of up to ten links, see where each link goes and check how long it takes. Dive into details like what each link says, how it changes, and how quickly it happens.

Save what you find:

Keep track of what you learn. Place it in Google Sheets or a file that can be opened later.

Customize how you see:

Change how you see links. Choose how you appear, such as phone or computer, or add additional information such as language or cookies.

See how fast things happen:

Check how long it takes to go from one link to another, so you can fix any slowdowns.

Find what you need quickly:

Filter what you see. Select which types of changes to view or search for specific links.

Easy to use:

Check multiple links at once, even if they are not all the same. The tool checks regular links by default, but you can change it to make it safer.

How Do You Find The Status Code of a Redirect?

When you ask for a webpage, the website responds with an HTTP status code. This code tells you what type of redirect is taking place.

Here’s what the request and response will look like:

GET /about HTTP/1.1
HTTP/1.1 301 Moved Permanently

FAQs – People Also Ask

Why are too many redirects bad?

Imagine you are driving somewhere but you have to take many detours before reaching your destination. It takes more time, right? Well, the same goes for websites. Each detour, or redirect, adds time to the page’s load, making it slower for visitors. Also, if links are pointing to the wrong version of your website, that detour means the link is not getting its full “interest” or value.

How does he determine that everything is working properly?

If your URL needs to go through more than one detour to get to its final destination, it loses points. For example, if someone types “” and has to go through multiple redirects before landing on “”, that’s not good.
Also, if any version of your URL doesn’t redirect at all, that’s also a problem. For instance, if someone types “” and it doesn’t automatically switch to “”, that’s a deduction in points too.

Is This tool Automatically check all versions of your URL?

This tool helps ensure that when someone types in your website address, it ends up in the right place, whether it’s “http://”, “https://” or “www.” type. Include your domain name first. It verifies that all these different versions of your URL lead to the same final destination without any detours.