URL Encode and Decode Online Free

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URL Encode and Decode Online Free

URL Encoder tool online

Our free online URL decode tool helps you convert encoded URLs into normal, readable ones. It can also do the reverse by turning normal URLs into encoded ones.

This Encoder and Decoder Online tool works by replacing special characters in URLs to their original form.

You can encode URLs using PHP’s url_encode, JavaScript or our tool.

Encoded URLs are made easier and safer for web browsers to read, especially in web addresses and data sent in links.

URL Encode and Decode Tool

For web addresses to work globally, they need to be written uniquely. This is done in two steps:

1. Convert the text to a special code using UTF-8.

2. Change any special symbols not used in plain English to codes that begin with “%” followed by two letters or numbers.

For example, “François” changes to “Fran%C3%A7ois”.

This means that “ç” in Francois is converted into two codes: “%c3” and “%a7”. This method can make web addresses longer, but it helps browsers display the correct characters, and many systems can use these codes without problem.

Advanced Options

1. Character Setting:

Our site uses UTF-8 for characters, meaning we handle a wide range of symbols and characters. You can change this if needed, but remember, for text, you’ll need to select the correct set when decoding later. For non-text files, we stick to the binary setting which doesn’t change anything; This is the standard approach for all file types except plain text.

2. Line Breaks:

Not all computers agree on how to start a new line, so we adjust the line breaks in your data to match your preference before encoding it. For files, this mostly doesn’t matter because they already have their own way of showing line breaks. But, if you’re working with options like “encode each line separately” or “split lines into chunks”, you’ll need to choose the appropriate type of line break.

3. Encode Lines One by One:

If you use this, we’ll turn line breaks into special codes. It is useful if you are encoding a list of items separated by line breaks and you want to keep them separate.

4. Split into chunks:

With this, your encoded data comes out as one long string without spaces. If you choose it in short lines, this option makes sure that no line is longer than 76 characters, as the rules say.

5. Instant Encoding:

Turn this on and your data is instantly encoded by your browser without sending it anywhere else. This currently only works with UTF-8 encoded data.

Safe and Free

All your data is protected with strong encryption when sent to our servers. We do not keep your files or data after you are done with us. Files you upload are deleted immediately after we process them, and any files ready for download are removed if they are not downloaded within 15 minutes or there is no activity. Please see our Privacy Policy for all details.

Absolutely free

You can use our tool without any cost. No need to download additional software for simple tasks.

Understanding URL Encode Online Tool

URL Encode tool is a way to encode binary data (such as images or files) into text that can be easily sent over the Internet. It is used in various Internet standards, such as email.

How it Works

This tool encoding selects a set of 64 characters that can be safely used in email and web pages without causing problems. Typically, these characters include letters (A-Z, a-z), numbers (0-9) and some special symbols. In this way, the encoded data remains the same across different systems.


Here’s a quote snippet from Thomas Hobbes’s Leviathan:

“Man is distinguished, not only by his reason, but …”

This is represented as an ASCII byte sequence and encoded as follows:


In the above quote the encoded value of Man is TWFu. Encoded in ASCII, the letters “M”, “a”, and “n” are stored as the bytes 77, 97, 110, which are equivalent to “01001101”, “01100001”, and “01101110” in base-2. These three bytes are joined together in a 24 bit buffer producing the binary sequence “010011010110000101101110”. Packs of 6 bits (6 bits have a maximum of 64 different binary values) are converted into 4 numbers (24 = 4 * 6 bits) which are then converted to their corresponding values in Base64.

Text contentMan
Bit pattern010011010110000101101110

Common URL Decoding Examples

Encoded StringDecoded Character

How Does URL Decoding Work?

When you decode a URL, you’re turning the special coded parts back into regular text or numbers. Here’s how it’s done in simple steps:

  • Regular letters (a to z, A to Z) and numbers (0 to 9) remain the same.
  • Certain reserved symbols such as “-“, “_”, and “~” are not changed.
  • Parts that look like %xy (where xy are numbers or characters from a special code called hexadecimal) are changed back to the symbols or characters they stand for.

How to Decode The URL Using Online URL Decode tool?

To decode a URL using a free online url decoder tool, do this:

1. Go to our URL Encode and Decode Online.

2. You can type in a URL, get it directly from a web address (“Load from URL”), or search for a file with a URL (“Browse”).

3. To decode, click on “Decode URL”.

4. To encode, click “URL Encode”.

5. The result shows at the top. Copy it wherever you need.