Link Analyzer

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Link Analyzer

Link Analyzer tool online free

Explore Codexcoach’s link checker tool to thoroughly check your website’s links.

Whether you want to keep up with the latest updates or regularly check your links, this free tool makes it easy to review and analyze your website’s links.

Remember, this tool checks one webpage at a time, so for a detailed check, analyze each webpage separately instead of just the homepage.

How to Use The Link Analyzer Tool?

The link analyzer tool is simple to use! Simply type the web page URL you want to check and choose whether you want to see external links, internal links, or both. You can also check the “nofollow” link if necessary.

Once you press Enter, the tool will show you the results immediately. This gives you a report of all the links coming to the page, as well as the text associated with each link. If there are any linked images, it will also show the text description of those images.

What Are Dofollow and Nofollow Links in SEO?

Dofollow links to your website are like a thumbs-up in the digital world. They not only guide people to your site but also tell search engines that your content is trustworthy and valuable. It’s like getting a vote of confidence from other websites.

On the other hand, nofollow links do not have much impact on your website’s ranking. Although people may still click on them, search engines do not count them as a vote of confidence. It’s like a signpost that says “like this,” but without any support. So, while Google’s robots notice these links, they do not provide any SEO boost to the linked page.