Domain Blacklist Checker: Check Blacklist of Domain, Email, IP address

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Domain Blacklist Checker: Check Blacklist of Domain, Email, IP address


What is a DNSBL(Domain Name System Blacklist)?

DNSBL or Domain Name System Blacklist, helps email providers block spammy IP addresses. There are many DNS blacklist services out there, each with its way of identifying and stopping spam.

Some Common Reasons:

Here are some common reasons for blacklisting:

  • sending spam emails
  • Attempting phishing attacks
  • Sending too many marketing emails that people don’t want
  • fake email addresses
  • Hosting inappropriate content such as illegal goods or adult content

How to blacklist check domain or IP address?

To see if your IP or website is blacklisted, you can use a tool like Site24x7’s Blacklist Checker. It looks at a lot of blacklist databases to see if you’re on any of them.

How to fix a blacklisted Domain/IP/Email?

If you find out that you are blacklisted, you need to find out which services have blacklisted you and then ask them to remove you from the list. Each service has its own rules for this, so make sure you follow them carefully.

How does an email blacklist work?

An email blacklist keeps track of how trustworthy your email is being sent. If you send too many emails to people who don’t want them or to addresses that don’t exist, you’ll get complaints and bounces.

If you annoy people with your emails or send them to the wrong places, you can end up on an email blacklist.

“Email blacklist” is just a fancy term for lists that help stop spam. These lists keep track of both your email address and the Internet connection you use to send the email. They are important for preventing spam and protecting regular email users.

If you discover that you are on one of these blacklists, your emails may not be delivered as they should.

Can I still use my IP address if it is blacklisted?

If your IP address is blacklisted, it’s probably because people have reported spam emails coming from it. This may not bother regular Internet users much, but it’s a big deal for businesses or people running email servers.

Here’s what you can do:

  1. Make sure your computer is clean of viruses and malware by running good security scans.
  2. If you run an email server, check its settings to make sure everything is set up correctly.
  3. Contact the people who manage the blacklist and ask them nicely to remove your IP address.
  4. Be careful with your emails in the future. Follow the rules for sending emails and keep your computer safe from bad things.
  5. Keep checking to see if your IP address is still on any blacklists so that if there is, you can fix it immediately.

By doing these things, you can increase your chances of getting off the blacklist and maintaining a good online reputation.

FAQs – People Also Ask

What should I do if my website is blacklisted?

If your site is blacklisted, don’t worry. You can fix it. Reach out to each blacklist service listed by our tool and ask them to remove your site. Some people may do this automatically after a while, but others may need to ask you.

Do you know if Google has blacklisted you?

If you’re concerned that Google has blacklisted your site, you can check using our tools or visit Google’s Transparency Report website. Just enter your site’s URL to check.

What is the best way to check if my domain is blacklisted?

Simply use our tool to see if your domain is blacklisted. Enter your domain name or IP address and we will show you the results.


In short, it is really important to use a blacklist lookup tool to keep your website or IP address secure. It helps you check if you have been banned, which can seriously affect your website visitors. This tool looks at a database and gives you a detailed report on your website’s performance and security in just a few seconds. It’s easy and quick to use, so you’ll immediately know what’s going on. Plus, it has a feature that checks if your IP address is blacklisted or not, making things even more convenient. Overall, this tool is extremely important in ensuring that your online presence remains secure and efficient.