Do you want to rearrange the Woo Commerce checkout fields on your website? Check this story

How to Reorder Checkout Fields In WooCommerce

Category: Woocommerce


feb 07 2023

You may need to reorganise the WooCommerce checkout fields from time to time, depending on your website and consumers.

Code snippets are added to your website's functions.php file and may be lost if you upgrade your WordPress theme. To add the snippets, you must first build a child theme.

Shipping – Shipping Address  order – Additional information  billing – Billing Address account – Account Login

Check out Reordering Fields Within a Field Group.

Furthermore, each of these groups' domains has a distinct priority. If you want to reorganize the fields, you must also know their priority.

Reorder Checkout fields priority

You may use the following code snippet to relocate a checkout field to the top, or first row, of the page.

Use this code to Move Field

We will utilise the Direct Checkout for WooCommerce sans plugin to allow direct checkout.

Enable Direct Checkout in WooCommerce

Please keep in mind that copying the full code will delete all fields from the checkout page, so just include the fields you want to remove.

Remove a checkout field

One of the easiest methods to reorganise the fields is to use a plugin. You just need to change certain settings in your WooCommerce dashboard and reorganise the fields.

We've also included a brief guide to help you streamline the checkout process by skipping the cart page.

These are the many methods for reordering WooCommerce checkout fields on your website. It is a really nice tweak that you may add to your checkout page to ensure your clients’ delight.

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