Top 10 Chrome Extensions for SEO

Top 10 Google Chrome Extensions for SEO  to help make their work-related efficiency, time savings, and simplicity.

Google SERP Counter

This is advantageous since it cuts down on the time required to manually calculate the position on the SERP.


Grammarly, one of the most widely used Chrome extensions, is a quick and simple solution to correct over 250 common errors.


This chrome extension allows us to figure out the color reading from any part of the browser and allows us to adjust and paste this into another program.


It is a free Chrome extension that shows us the monthly search volume of keywords, their CPC, and competition data.


Mozbar is a Chrome extension that helps you create custom searches, access and compare various link metrics across pages.

Page Analytics

An SEO analysis Chrome extension, page analytics allows us to see how customers interact with our webpage. 

Lightshot (Screenshot Tool)

There are several occasions when we may want to highlight a particular part of a screenshot or take a quick screenshot.


The Buffer tool helps in managing and scheduling social media accounts. We can schedule posts on Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn with just a single click.

Keywords  Everywhere

As we know, keywords are one of the most important aspects of SEO. Without keywords, we would not be able to rank our content.

Ahrefs SEO Toolbar

If you have ever utilized Ahrefs as an SEO expert for keyword research, site exploration, or any other task, you already know how useful it is. 


Several Chrome extensions are available online that are free of cost and can help make our work as SEO professionals easier.