Explore the latest design trends shaping the WordPress industry and learn how they can enhance user earn and boost conversions.

June 26, 2023

Learn How To Make More Money With WordPress Website

Discover the power of simplicity. Minimalistic design focuses on clean layouts, ample white space, and intuitive navigation for a seamless browsing experience.

Minimalistic Design

Embrace mobile-first design. Create responsive WordPress websites that adapt to different screen sizes, ensuring a smooth shopping experience on smartphones and tablets.

Mobile Optimization

From animated buttons to progress indicators, microinteractions provide visual feedback and make the shopping process more enjoyable.


Leverage user data to offer personalized product recommendations, customized offers, and targeted content to increased conversions.


High-quality images and videos create a strong impact, allowing customers to visualize products and make informed purchase decisions.

High-Quality Product Imagery

Engage visitors with interactive elements like quizzes, and product configurators. These elements encourage active making the shopping experience interactive and memorable.

Interactive Elements

Basically, you promote Amazon’s products on your website. When your visitors purchase those products through your links, you earn a commission.

Amazon Affiliate Store

You make money when users see or click on ads that Google displays automatically on your site.

Display Ads

If someone loves your products or services enough, they’re pretty likely to want to learn more about you and your methods

Sell an eCourse

Keep in mind, your site has to be large enough and have enough traffic for it to be worth paying for a guest post.

Accept Guest Posts

Successfully usually have an income stream that comes from affiliate marketing. Affiliate links are awesome because they work everywhere, not just on your website.

Affiliate Sales