Top 10 AI Platforms to Build Your Modern Application

Explore The 10 Artificial Intelligence Platform Which Make Your App More Effective.

Artificial intelligence made everything possible, and its enormous features and approaches helped it acquire great fame in a very brief period of time.

Azure Machine Learning enables data scientists and developers to quickly and confidently create, implement, and administer high-quality models.

1. Azure Machine Learning

TensorFlow is a Python-friendly open source library for numerical computation that speeds up and simplifies machine learning.

2. Transorflow

AI services built on Amazon for creating, deploying, and training machine learning models with workflow using Sagemaker pipelines.

3. Amazon AI Services

Google Cloud AI offers modern machine learning services, including pre-trained models and the ability to create your own customised models.

4. Google AI

The Petuum development framework and AI building component gallery are compatible with any computer language and data format.

5. Petuum AI

Polyaxon is an open source AI framework for developing, training, and monitoring large-scale deep learning applications.

6. Polyaxon

DataRobot serves worldwide businesses contending in today's intelligence transformation by providing AI technology and ROI enablement services.

7. DataRobot

Apache PredictionIO is a machine learning framework open source for coders, data scientists, and end consumers.

8. PredictionIO

Infosys Nia is a machine learning and artificial intelligence tool that helps companies simplify data administration and automate complex processes.

9. Infosys Nia

IBM Watson is a suite of AI services that can help you build chatbots, analyze data, and automate workflows.

10. IBM Watson

These are just a few of the many AI platforms available today. With these tools, you can build modern applications.